Monday, April 03, 2006

A 2600 wannabe?

Yesterday I was in Barnes and Noble checking out the current magazines. I also wanted to see if the recent 2600 was out, and if I won a contest in it but ... nevermind. Anywho, right next to 2600 a small 5.5"x8.5" magazine, is another hacker magazine called Blacklisted 411 in the exact same small 5.5"x8.5" format as 2600, with almost the exact same layout within the magazine, same type of articles etc. If you swapped covers on the magazines you would be hard pressed to see the difference.

Very odd a wannabe 2600 that claims to predate 2600 by one year - 2600 started in 1984, Blacklisted 411 claims to have started in 1983 as a disk based magazine that existed through 1988, resurrected in 1994 through 1999, died again and is back in 2003.


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